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In order for this to work, this file, your model file (Quabbin_3-31-09.nlogo), and the files NetLogoLite.jar and NetLogoLite.jar.pack.gz must all be in the same directory. (You can copy NetLogoLite.jar and NetLogoLite.jar.pack.gz from the directory where you installed NetLogo.)

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powered by NetLogo

view/download model file: Quabbin_3-31-09.nlogo


This section could give a general understanding of what the model is trying to show or explain.


This section could explain what rules the agents use to create the overall behavior of the model.


This section could explain how to use the model, including a description of each of the items in the interface tab.


This section could give some ideas of things for the user to notice while running the model.


This section could give some ideas of things for the user to try to do (move sliders, switches, etc.) with the model.


This section could give some ideas of things to add or change in the procedures tab to make the model more complicated, detailed, accurate, etc.


This section could point out any especially interesting or unusual features of NetLogo that the model makes use of, particularly in the Procedures tab. It might also point out places where workarounds were needed because of missing features.


This section could give the names of models in the NetLogo Models Library or elsewhere which are of related interest.


This section could contain a reference to the model’s URL on the web if it has one, as well as any other necessary credits or references.


globals [ sp_param colorlist Tjan Tjuly]

breed [trees tree] 

breed [speciesnames speciesname]

patches-own [ steepness soiltype moisture elevation trees-on-plot temperature light_available_at_floor]

trees-own [ age species species_index diameter height diametermax diameter-growth heightmax G B2 B3 agemax 
            canopy leaf_index light_type light_available light_relative_growth growth_modifier status
            DEGD DEGDmax DEGDmin TDEGD TF ba max_saplings_per_year] 
speciesnames-own [ speciesindex colorindex species0 diametermax0 heightmax0 G0 B20 B30 agemax0 leaf_index0 light_type0 growth_modifier0 DEGD0 DEGDmax0 DEGDmin0 TDEGD0 max_saplings_per_year0 ]
;; ba is basal area in square meters, diameter is in cm
;; status used in 1990 & 2000: 1=new  2=growing  3=standing dead  4=fallen  5=cut

to setup
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  set-default-shape trees "tree"
  ask patches [
    set pcolor brown + 1 + random-float 1 ]  

to clearcut
  ask trees with [ycor < 5 and ycor > 2]
    [ die ]

;; This procedure loads in the parameters for tree species 1 in the order speciesnumber agemax diametermax heightmax B2 B3 G leaf_index light_type
to load-species-data
  ifelse ( file-exists? "SpeciesParameterData.txt" ) [ ;; We check to make sure the file exists first
    set sp_param [] ;; We will save the data into a matrix, initialized to be empty.
    set colorlist [ 54 45 13 15 17 73 6 66 96 ]
    file-open "SpeciesParameterData.txt"   ;; This opens the file, so we can read it.
    let spnum 0
    while [ not file-at-end? ] [ ;; Reads data for each species in file.
      set sp_param sentence sp_param (list (list file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read file-read)) 
      ;; Each iteration we append the next 13-tuple to the current matrix (as a new row); indexing starts at 0
    create-speciesnames 1 [
      set speciesindex spnum
      set species0 item 0 item spnum sp_param
      set agemax0 item 1 item spnum sp_param
      set diametermax0 item 2 item spnum sp_param
      set heightmax0 item 3 item spnum sp_param
      set B20 item 4 item spnum sp_param
      set B30 item 5 item spnum sp_param
      set G0 item 6 item spnum sp_param
      set leaf_index0 item 7 item spnum sp_param
      set light_type0 item 8 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmin0 item 9 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmax0 item 10 item spnum sp_param
      set growth_modifier0 item 11 item spnum sp_param
      set max_saplings_per_year0 item 12 item spnum sp_param
      set colorindex item spnum colorlist
    set spnum spnum + 1 ]
    file-close ;; Done reading in patch information.  Close the file.
  [ user-message "There is no SpeciesParameterData.txt file in current directory!" ];; reports error if no such file

to initialize_1980
  ifelse ( file-exists? "Plot206diameters.txt" ) [ ;; We check to make sure the file exists first
    file-open "Plot206diameters.txt"   ;; This opens the file, so we can read it.  
    while [ not file-at-end? ] [ ;; Reads diameter of each tree in file.
      create-trees 1 [
      let spnum file-read
      set species_index spnum
      set species item 0 item spnum sp_param
      set diameter file-read;;cm
      set color item spnum colorlist
      set diametermax item 2 item spnum sp_param
      set size diameter / diametermax / 1  ;;scale by diameter to indicate relative size
      setxy (random-float 4 - 0.5) (random-float 2 - 0.5) ;; random position within world
      set ba pi * (diameter / 200) ^ 2 ;; in square meters
      set agemax item 1 item spnum sp_param
      set age agemax * diameter / diametermax ;; rough estimate of age in years using agemax*diameter/diametermax
      set heightmax item 3 item spnum sp_param
      set B2 item 4 item spnum sp_param
      set B3 item 5 item spnum sp_param
      set G item 6 item spnum sp_param
      set height 137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2)
      set leaf_index item 7 item spnum sp_param
      set light_type item 8 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmin item 9 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmax item 10 item spnum sp_param
      set status 2
      set growth_modifier item 11 item spnum sp_param
      set max_saplings_per_year item 12 item spnum sp_param
     ]   ]
    file-close ;; Done reading in patch information.  Close the file.
  [ user-message "There is no Plot206diameters.txt file in current directory!" ];; reports error if no such file
  ifelse ( file-exists? "Plot346diameters.txt" ) [ ;; We check to make sure the file exists first
    file-open "Plot346diameters.txt"   ;; This opens the file, so we can read it.  
    while [ not file-at-end? ] [ ;; Reads diameter of each tree in file.
      create-trees 1 [
      let spnum file-read
      set species_index spnum
      set species item 0 item spnum sp_param
      set diameter file-read;;cm
      set color item spnum colorlist
      set diametermax item 2 item spnum sp_param
      set size diameter / diametermax / 1  ;;scale by diameter to indicate relative size
      setxy (random-float 4 - 0.5) (random-float 2 + 1.5) ;; random position within world
      set ba pi * (diameter / 200) ^ 2 ;; in square meters
      set agemax item 1 item spnum sp_param
      set age agemax * diameter / diametermax ;; rough estimate of age in years using agemax*diameter/diametermax
      set heightmax item 3 item spnum sp_param
      set B2 item 4 item spnum sp_param
      set B3 item 5 item spnum sp_param
      set G item 6 item spnum sp_param
      set height 137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2)
      set leaf_index item 7 item spnum sp_param
      set light_type item 8 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmin item 9 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmax item 10 item spnum sp_param
      set status 2
      set growth_modifier item 11 item spnum sp_param
      set max_saplings_per_year item 12 item spnum sp_param
     ]   ]
    file-close ;; Done reading in patch information.  Close the file.
  [ user-message "There is no Plot346diameters.txt file in current directory!" ];; reports error if no such file
  ifelse ( file-exists? "Plot401diameters.txt" ) [ ;; We check to make sure the file exists first
    file-open "Plot401diameters.txt"   ;; This opens the file, so we can read it.  
    while [ not file-at-end? ] [ ;; Reads diameter of each tree in file.
      create-trees 1 [
      let spnum file-read
      set species_index spnum
      set species item 0 item spnum sp_param
      set diameter file-read;;cm
      set color item spnum colorlist
      set diametermax item 2 item spnum sp_param
      set size diameter / diametermax / 1  ;;scale by diameter to indicate relative size
      setxy (random-float 4 - 0.5) (random-float 2 + 3.5) ;; random position within world
      set ba pi * (diameter / 200) ^ 2 ;; in square meters
      set agemax item 1 item spnum sp_param
      set age agemax * diameter / diametermax ;; rough estimate of age in years using agemax*diameter/diametermax
      set heightmax item 3 item spnum sp_param
      set B2 item 4 item spnum sp_param
      set B3 item 5 item spnum sp_param
      set G item 6 item spnum sp_param
      set height 137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2)
      set leaf_index item 7 item spnum sp_param
      set light_type item 8 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmin item 9 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmax item 10 item spnum sp_param
      set status 2
      set growth_modifier item 11 item spnum sp_param
      set max_saplings_per_year item 12 item spnum sp_param
     ]   ]
    file-close ;; Done reading in patch information.  Close the file.
  [ user-message "There is no Plot401diameters.txt file in current directory!" ];; reports error if no such file
  ifelse ( file-exists? "Plot540diameters.txt" ) [ ;; We check to make sure the file exists first
    file-open "Plot540diameters.txt"   ;; This opens the file, so we can read it.  
    while [ not file-at-end? ] [ ;; Reads diameter of each tree in file.
      create-trees 1 [
      let spnum file-read
      set species_index spnum
      set species item 0 item spnum sp_param
      set diameter file-read;;cm
      set color item spnum colorlist
      set diametermax item 2 item spnum sp_param
      set size diameter / diametermax / 1  ;;scale by diameter to indicate relative size
      setxy (random-float 4 - 0.5) (random-float 2 + 5.5) ;; random position within world
      set ba pi * (diameter / 200) ^ 2 ;; in square meters
      set agemax item 1 item spnum sp_param
      set age agemax * diameter / diametermax ;; rough estimate of age in years using agemax*diameter/diametermax
      set heightmax item 3 item spnum sp_param
      set B2 item 4 item spnum sp_param
      set B3 item 5 item spnum sp_param
      set G item 6 item spnum sp_param
      set height 137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2)
      set leaf_index item 7 item spnum sp_param
      set light_type item 8 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmin item 9 item spnum sp_param
      set DEGDmax item 10 item spnum sp_param
      set status 2
      set growth_modifier item 11 item spnum sp_param
      set max_saplings_per_year item 12 item spnum sp_param
     ]   ]
    file-close ;; Done reading in patch information.  Close the file.
  [ user-message "There is no Plot540diameters.txt file in current directory!" ];; reports error if no such file

to go
;ifelse stop_after_20 [
;  if ticks = 20
;  [ do-histogram
 ;   stop ]]
 ; [do-histogram] 
  set Tjan 24 + Temp_change
  set Tjuly 70  + Temp_change
  grow ;; trees
  ;ask trees with [status = 2] [ set label round diameter ]

to mortality
  ask trees with [status = 2]  [
    let prob_die (2.987 * (age / agemax) ^ 6 - 8.960 * (age / agemax) ^ 5 + 10.907 * (age / agemax) ^ 4 - 6.880 * (age / agemax) ^ 3 + 2.447 * (age / agemax) ^ 2 -  0.500 * (age / agemax) + 0.05)
    if random-float 1 < prob_die
      [;set status 3
       ;set color brown
       ] ]

to grow
  ask trees with [status = 2] 
    set diameter-growth  (G * diameter * ((1 - (diameter * (137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2))) / (diametermax * heightmax)) * (light_relative_growth * TF * growth_modifier)) / (274 + (3 * B2 * diameter) - (4 * B3 * diameter ^ 2)))
    set diameter diameter + diameter-growth 
    set height 137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2)
    set age age + 1
    set ba pi * (diameter / 200) ^ 2
    set size diameter / diametermax / 1  ;;scale by diameter to indicate relative size

to calculate_light  ;; need to include environmental fudge factor
  ask trees with [status = 2]
  [ let currh height
   ; ifelse patch-based-light [
     set canopy trees-here with [height > currh and status = 2]
     set light_available Exp (-1 * sum [leaf_index * (diameter ^ 2) * 0.0000756] of canopy);]
    ;[ set canopy other trees in-radius .5 with [height > currh and status < 4] ;;change trees affecting light to be within a certain radius of the tree, rather than the tree's patch
    ;  ifelse any? canopy
    ;  [ let currx xcor
    ;    let curry ycor 
     ;   set light_available  Exp (-1 * sum [leaf_index * (diameter ^ 2) * 0.0000756] of canopy / (1 + sum [sqrt((currx - xcor) ^ 2 + (curry - ycor) ^ 2)] of canopy )) ] ;;weights how much trees affect the light of other trees by their distance
     ; [ set light_available 1 ]
    if light_type = 1
      [set light_relative_growth 1.218 * (1 - Exp (-1.136 * light_available - .097 )) ]
    if light_type = 2 
      [set light_relative_growth 0.9875 * (1 - Exp (-4.62 * light_available - .0637 )) ]
    if light_type = 3
      [set light_relative_growth  1.045 * (1 - Exp (-5.3592 * light_available - .0637 )) ]
    if light_relative_growth < 0 
      [set light_relative_growth 0]
    set DEGD ((365 / (2 * 3.14)) * (Tjuly - Tjan)) - ((365 / 3.14) * (40 - ((Tjuly + Tjan) / 2 ))) + (365 / 3.14) * (((40 - ((Tjuly - Tjan) / 2)) ^ 2) / (Tjuly - Tjan) )
    set TDEGD (4 * (DEGD - DEGDmin) * (DEGDmax - DEGD)) / ((DEGDmax - DEGDmin) ^ 2)
    ifelse TDEGD > 0
      [set TF TDEGD]
      [set TF 0]

to regenerate 
  ask patches [
    set light_available_at_floor Exp (-1 * sum [leaf_index * (diameter ^ 2) * 0.0000756] of trees-here with [status = 2])
    let xx pxcor
    let yy pycor
   ifelse light_available_at_floor > 0.5 [
     let light_relative_gr 1.218 * (1 - Exp (-1.136 * light_available_at_floor - .097 )) ; environmental factor ?
     ask speciesnames with [ light_type0 = 1 ] [
       let spnum speciesindex
      hatch-trees round random-float ( light_relative_gr  * max_saplings_per_year0)
     [  set species_index spnum
        set species item 0 item spnum sp_param
        set diameter random-float 10 + 10;;cm
        set color item spnum colorlist;51 + species_index
        set diametermax item 2 item spnum sp_param
        set size diameter / diametermax / 1  ;;scale by diameter to indicate relative size
        setxy (xx - 0.5 + random-float 1) (yy - 0.5 + random-float 1)
        set ba pi * (diameter / 200) ^ 2 ;; in square meters
        set agemax item 1 item spnum sp_param
        set age agemax * diameter / diametermax
        set heightmax item 3 item spnum sp_param
        set B2 item 4 item spnum sp_param
        set B3 item 5 item spnum sp_param
        set G item 6 item spnum sp_param
        set height 137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2)
        set leaf_index item 7 item spnum sp_param
        set light_type item 8 item spnum sp_param
        set DEGDmin item 9 item spnum sp_param
        set DEGDmax item 10 item spnum sp_param
        set status 2
        set growth_modifier item 11 item spnum sp_param
        set max_saplings_per_year item 12 item spnum sp_param
       ]]] [
       ifelse light_available_at_floor > 0.12 [
         let light_relative_gr 0.9875 * (1 - Exp (-4.62 * light_available_at_floor - .0637 ))
         ask speciesnames with [ light_type0 = 2 ] [
         let spnum speciesindex
      hatch-trees round random-float ( light_relative_gr  * max_saplings_per_year0)
     [  set species_index spnum
        set species item 0 item spnum sp_param
        set diameter random-float 10 + 10;;cm
        set color item spnum colorlist;51 + species_index
        set diametermax item 2 item spnum sp_param
        set size diameter / diametermax / 1  ;;scale by diameter to indicate relative size
        setxy (xx - 0.5 + random-float 1) (yy - 0.5 + random-float 1)
        set ba pi * (diameter / 200) ^ 2 ;; in square meters
        set agemax item 1 item spnum sp_param
        set age agemax * diameter / diametermax
        set heightmax item 3 item spnum sp_param
        set B2 item 4 item spnum sp_param
        set B3 item 5 item spnum sp_param
        set G item 6 item spnum sp_param
        set height 137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2)
        set leaf_index item 7 item spnum sp_param
        set light_type item 8 item spnum sp_param
        set DEGDmin item 9 item spnum sp_param
        set DEGDmax item 10 item spnum sp_param
        set status 2
        set growth_modifier item 11 item spnum sp_param
        set max_saplings_per_year item 12 item spnum sp_param
       ]] ] [
         let light_relative_gr 1.045 * (1 - Exp (-5.3592 * light_available_at_floor - .0637 ))
         ask speciesnames with [ light_type0 = 3 ] [
         let spnum speciesindex
      hatch-trees round random-float ( light_relative_gr  * max_saplings_per_year0)
     [  set species_index spnum
        set species item 0 item spnum sp_param
        set diameter random-float 10 + 10;;cm
        set color item spnum colorlist;51 + species_index
        set diametermax item 2 item spnum sp_param
        set size diameter / diametermax / 1  ;;scale by diameter to indicate relative size
        setxy (xx - 0.5 + random-float 1) (yy - 0.5 + random-float 1)
        set ba pi * (diameter / 200) ^ 2 ;; in square meters
        set agemax item 1 item spnum sp_param
        set age agemax * diameter / diametermax
        set heightmax item 3 item spnum sp_param
        set B2 item 4 item spnum sp_param
        set B3 item 5 item spnum sp_param
        set G item 6 item spnum sp_param
        set height 137 + (B2 * diameter) - (B3 * diameter ^ 2)
        set leaf_index item 7 item spnum sp_param
        set light_type item 8 item spnum sp_param
        set DEGDmin item 9 item spnum sp_param
        set DEGDmax item 10 item spnum sp_param
        set status 2
        set growth_modifier item 11 item spnum sp_param
        set max_saplings_per_year item 12 item spnum sp_param
  ]  ] 
to do-plots
  set-current-plot "Number of growing trees per 100 sq m"
  set-plot-x-range 0 100
  set-plot-y-range 0 10
  set-current-plot-pen "WhitePine"
  plot count trees with [species = 1 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
  set-current-plot-pen "Hemlock"
  plot count trees with [species = 6 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
  set-current-plot-pen "RedPine"
  plot count trees with [species = 11 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
  set-current-plot-pen "RedMaple"
  plot count trees with [species = 21 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
  set-current-plot-pen "RedOak"
  plot count trees with [species = 30 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
  set-current-plot-pen "BlackOak"
  plot count trees with [species = 31 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
  set-current-plot-pen "WhiteOak"
  plot count trees with [species = 40 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
  set-current-plot-pen "BlackBirch"
  plot count trees with [species = 51 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
  set-current-plot-pen "WhiteAsh"
  plot count trees with [species = 55 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
;  set-current-plot "Basal area of trees per 100 sq m"
;  set-plot-x-range 0 100
;  set-plot-y-range 0 1.5
;  set-current-plot-pen "WhitePine"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 1 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8 ;; report basal area in square meters 
;  set-current-plot-pen "Hemlock"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 6 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
;  set-current-plot-pen "RedPine"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 11 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
;  set-current-plot-pen "RedMaple"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 21 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
;  set-current-plot-pen "RedOak"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 30 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
;  set-current-plot-pen "BlackOak"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 31 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
;  set-current-plot-pen "WhiteOak"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 40 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
;  set-current-plot-pen "BlackBirch"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 51 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8
;  set-current-plot-pen "WhiteAsh"
;  plot sum [ ba ] of trees with [species = 55 and status = 2] / count patches ;* 8  

to do-histogram  
  set-current-plot "Histogram of white pine diameters"
  set-plot-x-range 0 100
  set-plot-y-range 0 1
  set-current-plot-pen "Species1"
  ;set-histogram-num-bars 10
  histogram [diameter] of trees with [species = 1 and status = 2]
  set-current-plot "Histogram of red maple diameters"
  set-plot-x-range 0 100
  set-plot-y-range 0 1
  set-current-plot-pen "Species21"
  ;set-histogram-num-bars 10
  histogram [diameter] of trees with [species = 21 and status = 2]
;  set-current-plot "Histogram of black birch diameters"
;  set-plot-x-range 0 100
;  set-plot-y-range 0 1
;  set-current-plot-pen "BlackBirch"
;  ;set-histogram-num-bars 10
;  histogram [diameter] of trees with [species = 30 and status = 2 ]
;  set-current-plot "Histogram of population of each species"
;    set-plot-x-range 0 9
;    set-plot-y-range 0 5
;    set-current-plot-pen "default"
;    set-plot-pen-mode 1
;    set-plot-pen-interval 1
;    histogram [species_index] of trees with [status = 2]