--- title: "R Problem due Tuesday 9/25" author: "YOUR NAME" output: pdf_document --- Acknowledgements: ADD NAMES HERE IF ANYONE ASSISTED YOU. **Email knitted pdf file to tleise@amherst.edu by 4pm on the due date.** ## Read Problem 2.30. Then answer the problem by completing the parts below. The question has been modified from the book problem to assist you with learning more about R functions and simulations. a. In your own words, describe what needs to change to use the Monty Hall problem code to solve this problem. > ANSWER b. The unmodified Monty Hall problem code is below. FOUR lines need a change in order for the code to be appropriate to address problem 2.30. Identify these lines and make the appropriate changes. Adjust the top comment with your name, and add a comment at EACH of your changes to keep track of what you did. For example, if you change the line "win<-0" to "win<-1" (for some reason), add a comment so that the line might read: "win<-1 #up from 0". You can make other changes - like changing the function name, but that is not strictly necessary. ```{r} #### Modified Monty Hall Problem Code #### Based on Code by Corey Chivers, 2012 #### Modified by YOUR NAME, DATE monty<-function(strat='stay',N=1000,print_games=FALSE) { doors<-1:3 win<-0 for(i in 1:N) { prize<-sample(1:3, 1) guess<-sample(1:3, 1) if(prize!=guess) reveal<-doors[-c(prize, guess)] else reveal<-sample(doors[-c(prize, guess)], 1) if(strat=='switch') select<-doors[-c(reveal, guess)] if(strat=='stay') select<-guess if(select==prize){ win<-win+1 outcome<-'Winner!' }else outcome<-'Loser!' if(print_games) cat(paste('Guess: ', guess, '\nSelection: ', select, '\nPrize door: ', prize, '\n', outcome, '\n\n', sep='')) } cat(paste('Using the ',strat,' strategy, your win percentage was ',win/N*100,'%\n',sep='')) } ``` c. Now, use the code to answer the problem posed in Ask Marilyn: "What should you do?" Write a well-constructed paragraph conveying your response to "What should you do?". Be sure to reference your simulation results! Remember you need to set a seed to obtain reproducible results. > ANSWER ```{r} ``` *Acknowledgement: Thank you to Prof Amy Wagaman for sharing this R problem for STAT 360.*