STAT/MATH 360-02 Probability


Instructor Tanya Leise
Email tleise at amherst dot edu
Phone 542-5411
Office SMudd 503
Office hours

MTWTh 10-11:15am in Mudd 503

Friday 11am-noon in Mudd 503

Tues/Thurs 1-1:50pm in SCCE E202 (Statistics Consulting Room in Science Center)

Feel free to drop in whenever my door is open, or make an appointment

TA hours

Also go to the evening drop-in hours of Patrick Liu and Bodhi Nguyen whenever your schedule permits. It's a great way to find other students to study with and you'll have immediate help available if you get stuck.

Sunday: Drop-in help 6-8pm (Bodhi) SMudd 014
Monday: Drop-in help 8-10pm (Patrick) SMudd 207
Wednesday: Drop-in help 6-8pm (Patrick) SMudd 014
Wednesday: Drop-in help 8-10pm (Bodhi) SMudd 207


Probability with R by R. Dobrow (Wiley 2014)
(freely available as Ebook through Five Colleges library catalog)

Course goals:


Attendance: Class will be chock full of material and activities -- cooperative learning is more effective and more fun than struggling through material on your own. If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain the material that you missed and to get your assignments handed in to me.


Questions: If you have a question during lecture, please raise your hand and ask it right away. Chances are that other students are wondering the same thing. If a question arises later, feel free to visit my office and we'll work through sample problems until you are comfortable with the mathematics.  Always feel free to ask me to slow down as well.


Study advice: Distributed practice and self-testing have been shown to be the most effective ways to study. Distributed practice means you regularly review the definitions, theorems, and techniques and practice some related problems to reinforce long-term memory (at least several times a week, rather than waiting until just before a test and cramming the material into short-term memory). Self-testing means what it sounds like, and can include testing yourself regularly using flashcards of the definitions and ideas or seeing how far you can get in the homework without looking anything up.


Grading:  Your course grade will be based on class participation (5%), two midterms and a final exam (15%, 15%, 20% respectively), weekly problem sets and R problems (30%), and a project (15%).


Intellectual Responsibility


Homework Guidelines

Inclusion and Accessibility
I strive to make all my courses welcoming to all students. I am happy to discuss your learning needs and strategies to best support your academic success. If you have a documented disability that requires accommodations, please register with Accessibility Services at the college, and contact me to let me know what accommodations you will need for this course. Whenever possible, please give me at least two weeks advance notice to implement these accommodations.

Course Expectations and Policy

Course Resources

Don't struggle alone! You have many options for getting help with this course.


To the STAT 360 Homework Schedule